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Little Rock

Hand-stamped humor and salty threads made with care in Arkansas...


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Filtering by Tag: stamped bar necklace

A Weekend in Custom Necklaces II (or Escape to L.A.)

Stacey Bowers

Last week custom requests were a little confused...

These are just a handful of my favorites from last week that I made before heading to L.A. for the holiday weekend to collect bacteria from Nicolas Cage's hand prints at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Fun fact: the first movie my sweetheart Collin and I watched together was "The Wicker Man."

Anyway.... jewelry...

The best thing about that spectacular WWJD necklace is that it stands for "What Would Janet Do?" because Janet Young, duh. (Hey, Janet!) And somebody's smokin' bff got a "pole dancer" necklace to complement her g-string.

And finally, Sydney Brazil made my heart explode when she ordered this "Strong As Hell" necklace. Why? Because she's a Thea Foundation scholarship winner who could tap dance your face off and she is STRONG AS HELL! Sydney, I can't wait to watch you go to college and travel the world so my working ass can live vicariously through you.

I'll end this post with a flashback to 1999 and let you count the WWJD bracelets I wore...





A Weekend in Custom Necklaces

Stacey Bowers

Every day I look forward to the quirky and cute custom requests I'll get from people looking for an inimitable gift or something special for themselves. Here's a peek at what I worked on last weekend.

Classic gold bar necklaces were on fire last week. Every single request I got was for one of these subtle statements that pair well with pretty much any attire. Each necklace is like a little bit of your soul you can wear on the outside.

Graduation season is in full gear; congratulations to Dr. White on her shiny new degree and her new nameplate necklace! I kind of what to keep this "weird but okay" one; it hits really close to home. And that "single" necklace has a naughty little secret.. it says "taken" on the back!

Of course, the most on fire (heh) order of all was this Khaleesi necklace fit for a queen... or a mother of dragons.

Feeling inspired? Order your custom bar necklace here!