Stock Bang-Up Betty Handmade Jewelry in Your Shop
Bang-Up Betty jewelry is created in Arkansas by jewelry designer Stacey Bowers. Bang-Up Betty jewelry, stickers, pins and more are popular products at gift shops across the nation.
High five to hand-stamped! Bang-Up Betty jewelry is stamped by hand in Arkansas.
Stock Bang-Up Betty
If you're a retailer interested in carrying Bang-Up Betty hand-stamped jewelry, enamel lapel pins, vinyl stickers, printed totes and more, let’s do this!
Have a specific wholesale question, interested in custom stamped items, or prefer to order via email? Tell us a little bit about yourself and we'll get back to you! Email or click that little envelope at the top right corner of the page.
Bang-Up Betty handmade jewelry typically ships within 7-12 days and comes packaged neatly and cutely on individual card backs in cello bags that are easy to display and keep the jewelry clean and shiny.