southern made jewelry — Blog — Bang-Up Betty

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Little Rock

Hand-stamped humor and salty threads made with care in Arkansas...


How to care for your Bang-Up Betty brass, gold and silver stamped jewelry, how to style your jewelry and apparel, what trends are fresh in stamped jewelry, and more.

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Inside the Crafter's Studio: Peek Into a Jewelry Designer's Workshop in Arkansas

Stacey Bowers

Arkansas Jewelry maker Stacey Bowers at work on new jewelry designs in her North Little Rock studio.

Arkansas Jewelry maker Stacey Bowers at work on new jewelry designs in her North Little Rock studio.

I'm about to celebrate one year in my studio space, and what better way to do that than invite y'all over? Consider this your invitation to a virtual visit! 

Brilliant, badass photographer Katie Childs recently stopped by to snap some pics of me at work, and while I'm sad to dispel the rumor that I work in the fires of Mordor, I'm thrilled to show off my newest space. Take a peek at how and where your jewelry gets made. All pics by Katie Childs except for the panorama I took to really show off that wall paint ;-) 

Jewelry designer Stacey Bowers selects a piece of brass to stamp with a hammer in her studio in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

Jewelry designer Stacey Bowers selects a piece of brass to stamp with a hammer in her studio in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

North Little Rock jewelry designer Stacey Bowers' studio, where she creates Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

North Little Rock jewelry designer Stacey Bowers' studio, where she creates Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Arkansas jewelry maker Stacey Bowers at work in her home studio in North Little Rock stamping Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Arkansas jewelry maker Stacey Bowers at work in her home studio in North Little Rock stamping Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers stamps brass jewelry and more in her North Little Rock studio.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers stamps brass jewelry and more in her North Little Rock studio.

Nevertheless She Persisted, I'll Cut You, Get Shit Done... a few of the many phrases jewelry Arkansas designer Stacey Bowers stamps onto her line of jewelry, Bang-Up Betty.

Nevertheless She Persisted, I'll Cut You, Get Shit Done... a few of the many phrases jewelry Arkansas designer Stacey Bowers stamps onto her line of jewelry, Bang-Up Betty.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers poses with a giant cut-out of her nationally celebrated Smash the Patriarchy hammer design.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers poses with a giant cut-out of her nationally celebrated Smash the Patriarchy hammer design.

Betty, the boy cat behind the name Bang-Up Betty, an Arkansas handmade jewelry company.

Betty, the boy cat behind the name Bang-Up Betty, an Arkansas handmade jewelry company.

Betty the boy cat poses with necklaces by Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers of Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Betty the boy cat poses with necklaces by Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers of Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Nasty Woman, Smash the Patriarchy, I Wanna Dance with Somebody, Hands Off, Witchy Bitch, I Believe in Science... these are few enamel lapel pins created Bang-Up Betty in Arkansas.

Nasty Woman, Smash the Patriarchy, I Wanna Dance with Somebody, Hands Off, Witchy Bitch, I Believe in Science... these are few enamel lapel pins created Bang-Up Betty in Arkansas.

Smash the Patriarchy, Buzz Off, Food Over Dudes... a few necklaces by Arkansas jewelry maker Stacey Bowers of Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Smash the Patriarchy, Buzz Off, Food Over Dudes... a few necklaces by Arkansas jewelry maker Stacey Bowers of Bang-Up Betty jewelry.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers holds Betty, the boy cat who inspired the name of her handmade jewelry business, Bang-Up Betty.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers holds Betty, the boy cat who inspired the name of her handmade jewelry business, Bang-Up Betty.

Betty and I are so happy to have your support! Thanks for letting me make keepsakes for you and for letting him sprinkle a little cat hair onto them as they go into the envelope.