puzzle jewelry — Blog — Bang-Up Betty

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Little Rock

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Filtering by Tag: puzzle jewelry

Handmade Matching Puzzle Piece Necklaces to Send to Your Missing Puzzle Piece

Stacey Bowers

Whether you’re just really into working puzzles or you’ve got a special person who is your missing puzzle piece right now or all of the above, this handmade bronze puzzle piece necklace will soothe your soul. You can order just one necklace with one…

Whether you’re just really into working puzzles or you’ve got a special person who is your missing puzzle piece right now or all of the above, this handmade bronze puzzle piece necklace will soothe your soul. You can order just one necklace with one bronze puzzle piece or get a matching one to send to your missing puzzle piece person to brighten their day.

I’ve been working a lot of puzzles lately. I’ve also been really missing having a beer at a bar with my best friends and missing their smiling faces when they come to visit me at work at Stifft Station Gifts. It’s been a weird few weeks for everyone. Tomorrow marks 4 weeks of self-isolating for me and it’s also my business anniversary, which I usually celebrate with a big party with cake and drinks somewhere pretty where we can all get together and joke/marvel at how I’m still keeping it together, but this year the whole party has to be online (minus whatever dry-as-hell cake I bake in the toaster oven to improperly celebrate at home).

One way I’ve found myself connecting with people without physically connecting with them is through games. I’ve done several games of online bingo (public and private, join this group if you want to be in the know about my bingo games) to have fun and joke around and give things away to friends far and wide. I've been majorly failing at that drawing game in the House Party app (all line drawings are penises, sorry not sorry). I’ve been making my husband resent me by being a strategic asshole at Scrabble and Uno (also sorry, not sorry). And I’ve been getting a lot of therapy from working puzzles since I guess therapy is canceled too these days.

These necklaces are Inspired by all of the puzzles I’ve been working while self-isolating during the COVID-19 outbreak and all of the friends I miss and who I feel are my missing puzzle pieces right now. I took two fitting pieces from my favorite puzzle, a bunch illustrated birds with smug faces, and cast them by hand to make this bronze jewelry.

These necklaces are Inspired by all of the puzzles I’ve been working while self-isolating during the COVID-19 outbreak and all of the friends I miss and who I feel are my missing puzzle pieces right now. I took two fitting pieces from my favorite pu…

These necklaces are Inspired by all of the puzzles I’ve been working while self-isolating during the COVID-19 outbreak and all of the friends I miss and who I feel are my missing puzzle pieces right now. I took two fitting pieces from my favorite puzzle, a bunch illustrated birds with smug faces, and cast them by hand to make this bronze jewelry.

Whether you’re just really into working puzzles or you’ve got a special person who is your missing puzzle piece right now or all of the above, this handmade bronze puzzle piece necklace will soothe your soul. You can order just one necklace with one bronze puzzle piece or get a matching one to send to your missing puzzle piece person to brighten their day. I’m making them solid and with this pretty Art Deco pattern, and they also come on 18-inch or 20-inch chains, so there’s some versatility. When you buy one necklace for a pal and one for you, you get a discount off the set.

Thank you for supporting small businesses in the safest ways possible right now. I could go on about what a (not fun) rollercoaster ride this has been for every small business owner, but I’ll save that for another post because puzzles and friends are more fun to talk about.

If you can, join me for my online Bang-Up Bettyversary Friday, April 10, as we virtually celebrate seven years of snarky and sassy handmade jewelry made in Arkansas. Invite your missing puzzle piece so you can both play in the giveaways and maybe win some handmade jewelry or a feminist pin or something else. Or maybe send them something sweet from my site to brighten their day.

If you can, join me for my online Bang-Up Bettyversary Friday, April 10, as we virtually celebrate seven years of snarky and sassy handmade jewelry made in Arkansas. Invite your missing puzzle piece so you can both play in the giveaways and maybe wi…

If you can, join me for my online Bang-Up Bettyversary Friday, April 10, as we virtually celebrate seven years of snarky and sassy handmade jewelry made in Arkansas. Invite your missing puzzle piece so you can both play in the giveaways and maybe win some handmade jewelry or a feminist pin or something else. Or maybe send them something sweet from my site to brighten their day.