13 Lapel Pins You Need Right Now
Stacey Bowers
What better time than the holiday season to freshen up your flair? Send this link to Santa and make sure your stocking is stuffed with the right stuff. But hurry! Some are selling out.
Glitter Pink Darth Vader by MadameCatsPurrr
Star Wars opens next week. Do you know what you're wearing?
The Golden Girls Pin Pack by You Silly Duffer
Thank you for being a frieeeeeend!
Witchy Bitch Ouija Planchette Pin by Bang-Up Betty
Make the holiday magical.
A Woman's Work is Never Done pin by Word for Word Factory
The most honest pin of all time.
Working Two Jobs button by Word for Word Factory
No seriously, our work is never done.
Smash the Patriarchy Pin by Bang-Up Betty
Pick up a tiny hammer and join the cause.
Estar Guars pin by Super Yaki
We've been saying it wrong the whole time.
Full-Time Feminist Pin by The Five15
In keeping with the "our work is never done" theme...
Holy Smokes pin by AR T's
Only holy water could put out this flame.
Iris Lapel Pin by Culture Flock
Flair for the fashion-forward.
FrankenNaut Pin by Big Bot Design
You can't beat anything that glows in the dark, and THIS GLOWS IN THE DARK.
Feminist Pin Power Pack by Bang-Up Betty
Is your denim especially lacking? I just listed a feminist lapel pin power pack at a discount.
Get it here.