book nerd gift — Blog — Bang-Up Betty

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Little Rock

Hand-stamped humor and salty threads made with care in Arkansas...


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Filtering by Tag: book nerd gift

Witty Literary Necklaces for Book Lovers

Stacey Bowers

Write On! and Books B4 Boys, two witty literary necklaces designed by Bang-Up Betty for Et Alia Press, a Little Rock-based independent publisher.

Write On! and Books B4 Boys, two witty literary necklaces designed by Bang-Up Betty for Et Alia Press, a Little Rock-based independent publisher.

Book worms, bluestockings and lit lovers, Bang-Up Betty has teamed up with independent publisher Et Alia Press to bring you witty literary jewelry that might make you pull your nose out of your book for a minute.

Read them and weep (with joy, of course)! Et Alia Press has just published four styles of charming literature-themed necklaces to make you giggle. The necklaces, made by hand by Arkansas jewelry designer Bang-Up Betty in my North Little Rock studio, are available for purchase through Et Alia Press’s website and are selling quickly.

Bluestockings, pick up your new favorite book! These witty literary necklaces are handmade in Arkansas and have tiny pencil and book charms.

Bluestockings, pick up your new favorite book! These witty literary necklaces are handmade in Arkansas and have tiny pencil and book charms.

Last summer, Et Alia Press’s Erin Wood stopped by the Bang-Up Betty studio to meet Betty and me and see how I make jewelry. I’m excited and honored to be featured in her forthcoming book, Women Makers of Arkansas, along with dozens of incredibly talented Arkansas creators.

Look for Women Makers of Arkansas in spring of 2019, and check out all of the good reads available along with our literary necklaces through Et Alia Press.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers of Bang-Up Betty with Betty the boy cat. Photo by Erin Wood for Et Alia Press's forthcoming Women Makers of Arkansas book project.

Arkansas jewelry designer Stacey Bowers of Bang-Up Betty with Betty the boy cat. Photo by Erin Wood for Et Alia Press's forthcoming Women Makers of Arkansas book project.