Ostrich Feather Earrings — Bang-Up Betty

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Little Rock

Hand-stamped humor and salty threads made with care in Arkansas...

Aviary Collection

Birds have a secret language. Many of them, like parrots and cockatoos, famously can be taught human words, and highly intelligent birds, like crows and ravens, have their own language of calls and cries within their species. But birds have a special language to humans— a tongue of significance, symbolism and omen. In my Aviary Collection of jewelry inspired by our feathered friends, I’ve pulled from the legends and histories of some of my favorite birds to create cast bronze and sterling silver tributes to them and the role they’ve played in human lives and storytelling.

Ostrich Feather Earrings


Ostrich Feather Earrings

from $45.00

Unlike many flighted birds with angular feathers, Ostrich feathers are balanced on each side, symbolizing equality, truth and justice. In ancient Egypt, the goddess Ma’at weighed the hearts of the dead against an ostrich feather, and if a heart was as light as the feather, that meant the owner led a virtuous life and could enter paradise. Our Ostrich Feather Earrings are simple yet elegant, featuring an ostrich feather with a quill that extends into the ear wire of the earrings. These feather earrings are available in solid cast bronze or sterling silver. Both styles are free of nickel and come on a decorative card back displaying the significance of the ostrich feather. From the top fo the ear wire to the bottom of the feather, these earrings measure approximately 1 1/3 inches.

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